Emerging Scholar Profile-Dr. Sarah Marroni Minasi


  • Sarah Minasi Federal University of Paraná, Brazil


I am an early career researcher and recently earned a PhD in Tourism and Hospitality Management in December 2020 from the University of Vale do Itajaí (Univali), Brazil. Since my doctorate started in 2017, my research aspirations have centred on geotechnologies to understand the tourism territory. The discussions on the research topic gradually evolved, supported by the disciplines and readings recommended by my supervisor. It was possible to identify that the central theme of the research was the concept of tourism urbanization. The theoretical maturity added to the thesis the need to analyze the physical and social aspects of tourism's repercussions in the territory. Therefore, the urban morphology and the spatial practices of tourists and residents were studied. As a result, the thesis entitled "Categories of tourist urbanization: an analysis based on urban morphology and spatial practices" presented a methodological tool to analyze the relationship between tourism and urban space practically and objectively. The methodological proposal relies upon an inter and multidisciplinary support characteristic in tourism research. In 2021 this doctoral thesis received an award from the National Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Tourism. The thesis resulted in a publication on the epistemological approach (Minasi et al., 2019), the geolocation to understand space practices of tourists and residents (Minasi & Tricárico, 2021). Moreover, one last paper with research results is in submission.

Besides the research developed in my PhD thesis, other research lines are also of my interest. Firstly, I am interested in investigating the territory of tourism, from the materialization of tourist activity to its territorial planning and management. Within this theme, some publications are available in journals, such as the dialectical relationship between cultural heritage and use for tourism (Minasi, Talaska & Tricárico, 2021), the territory as a basis for tourism planning (Minasi, 2016; 2017; Minasi, Etges & Simon, 2014) and social participation and tourism public policy (Minasi, Kaizer & Oliveira, 2021).

Another research focus (still aligned with territorial planning) is remote sensing and georeferencing to understand tourist behaviour and its materialization in the territory. In this context, I developed some research on the topic of the use of geographic information systems in the management of winescapes (Minasi, Lohmann & Valduga, 2020), remote sensing as a valid methodological tool for the study of tourist urbanization (Minasi, 2020) and the analysis of urban expansion through changes in coverage and land use (Minasi, Tricárico & Salame, 2019). Georeferencing also enable understanding demand analysis based on online comments (Caracristi, Feger, Minasi & Marynowski, 2021; Gosenheimer, Feger, Minasi, Marynowski & Da Silva, 2021)

Further to these topics, I am currently developing research on coffee tourism and hospitality (Oliveira, Tavares & Minasi, 2021; ) and gender issues in tourism (Minasi, Santos & Mayer, 2022), motivated by curiosity and the use of new methodologies and data sources. Some of these are research projects still in progress or in the preprint phase.

In addition to research, I have experience teaching higher education at three educational institutions in Brazil, specifically working in tourism programs. Currently, I am collaborating professor in the Postgraduate Program in Tourism at the Federal University of Paraná. These teaching experiences confirmed my interest in pursuing a career in training tourism industry professionals. Of course, I would like to pursue this without ignoring my immense interest in developing a research career, guided by the curiosity to understand tourism across its different dimensions better. While working as a lecturer, I developed research in partnership with other professionals in tourism and hospitality. Participation in academic events allowed me to expand my contacts network and research links, which encouraged my development as a researcher and materialized in publications in conference proceedings and national and international journals.

Currently, I am part of three research groups as a collaborating researcher: 1. The Core - Regional Studies Observation Center research group from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). Its research line investigates the phenomena that emerge from the interrelationship of agents working in urban and regional spaces and the relationships between different regions (cities, municipalities, states, and countries) in their spaces. 2.The Study Group on Tourism of the Extreme South (GETES) research group at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG). Studies developed cover hospitality, regional development, and tourism management. 3. The research group TerroirTur, from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), where I am the vice leader. The group deals with innovative research themes in Brazil, aligning itself with several international institutions that have research in this area. It has three research lines: geography, flavours and landscapes, tourism and agrifood systems, and winemaking and wine tourism.

Since the beginning of 2021, I have been part of the International Academy for the Development of Tourism Research in Brazil (ABRATUR). ABRATUR stimulates a collaboration network between researchers located in Brazil and abroad. The aim is to promote internationalization to foster academic research, consequently increasing academia's contribution to society. The group develops research in several areas related to tourism. Recently, I have been working in partnership with four other researchers on the theme of gender and tourism, more specifically, the participation of women in the tourism market and academia.

Soon, I hope to establish myself as a researcher and further develop teaching activities in tourism and hospitality. Although it is a recent trajectory, it builds on my earlier endeavors to act ethically and collaboratively with researchers and teachers whom I have always had contact with to contribute to the development of the field of knowledge of tourism.






Emerging Scholar Profiles

How to Cite

“Emerging Scholar Profile-Dr. Sarah Marroni Minasi” (2022) e-Review of Tourism Research, 18(5), pp. 794–797. Available at: https://ertr-ojs-tamu.tdl.org/ertr/article/view/826 (Accessed: 27 July 2024).