Emerging Scholar Profile-Dr. Hung Trong Hoang


  • Hung Trong Hoang University of Economics, Hue University


Dr. Hung Trong Hoang is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Business Administration, at University of Economics, Hue University. Hung obtained his PhD and Early Career Research Fellow in Business (Services Marketing and Management) at The University of Adelaide Business School. Hung holds a Master of Management from Monash University and a Bachelor of Business Administration from University of Economics, Hue University. Hung’s research interests include services marketing and management, human resource management and organizational behaviour in service industries, particularly in tourism and hospitality sector. One of his papers has won the “Best Paper Award”. His research has been published in the International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, Journal of Services Marketing, International Journal of Manpower, Australian Journal of Public Administration, Australasian Marketing Journal, Employee Relations, among others.

Hung’s PhD research area is antecedents of service climate, examining ways to develop a favourable service climate in service firms in Asian emerging markets. As there have been limited studies on antecedents of service climate, especially from smaller Asian emerging markets, Hung conducted a qualitative research in two Asian emerging markets, including Malaysia and Vietnam. This qualitative research has explored three groups: firm-based (leadership commitment to service quality, internal customer service, internal processes and service standards, work facilitation resources, and service-oriented human resource practices), market-based (competitive intensity) and culture-based (cultural orientations) antecedents of service climate and yielded new insights into the relationships among these groups of antecedents. Following the findings of this exploratory study, Hung developed a conceptual framework and hypotheses and conducted a quantitative study to test the hypotheses. In particular, he tried to investigate how antecedents of service climate differ between local firms and foreign firms. Interestingly, his research found that the influences of firm-based drivers of service climate differ depending on the ownership types (local vs. foreign firms) in Asian emerging markets. His PhD research was awarded a Dean’s Commendation for Doctoral Thesis Excellence, nominated for University Medal and published in A ranking journals (ABDC ranking) (i.e. Hoang et al., 2017; Hoang et al., 2018; Hoang et al., 2022).

The findings of his PhD research led Hung to study further on how service climate enhances service employees’ behaviour. On a study of hotel employees in Vietnam, he found that service climate positively influences hotel employees’ brand citizenship behaviour (BCB) through the mediating role of perceived brand image. Hotel employees’ power distance orientation negatively moderates the effect of service climate on hotel employees’ BCB. This study suggested that hotel managers should develop a supportive service climate and pay more attention on employee power distance orientation in sustaining employee BCB (Hoang, 2022). Another outcome of service climate that Hung is still working is related to customer relationship management capability. Although this work is still ongoing, he believes that it will provide helpful findings for hotel managers.

Hung’s recent research interest is promoting pro-environmental behaviour among tourism staff. Sustainable tourism has received a growing interest, however research on how to promote pro-environmental behaviour at work and outside work among tourism staff is still limited. Hung is currently exploring this research area to gain a better understanding of (1) what facilitate and inhibit pro-environmental behaviour of tourism staff, (2) whether pro-environmental behaviour at work affects pro-environmental behaviour outside work of tourism staff. These works are still under review at some international journals.

Hung is actively involved in Service Research Community as it helps him gain insights and update on the current research trends as well as the challenges that the industry is facing. He is also engaged in research collaboration with colleagues from the USA, UK, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam.



Hoang, H.T., Rao Hill, S., Freeman, S., Lu, V., Imrie, B.C. (2017). Developing service climate in local vs. foreign firms in smaller Asian emerging markets: A resource-based and social exchange perspective. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(4), 627-656.

Hoang, H.T., Rao Hill, S., Lu, V., Freeman, S. (2018). Drivers of service climate: an emerging market perspective. Journal of Services Marketing, 32(4), 476-492.

Hoang, H.T., Ho, N., Nguyen, N. (2022). The influence of leadership commitment to service quality on hotel employees' brand citizenship behavior: A mediation and moderation analysis. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management. Vol. (ahead of print).

Hoang, H.T. (2022). How does service climate influence hotel employees’ brand citizenship behaviour? A social exchange and social identity perspective. Australasian Marketing Journal. 30(1), 51-59.




How to Cite

“Emerging Scholar Profile-Dr. Hung Trong Hoang” (2022) e-Review of Tourism Research, 18(6), pp. 899–901. Available at: https://ertr-ojs-tamu.tdl.org/ertr/article/view/830 (Accessed: 27 July 2024).