A Systematic Review of Factors Influencing the Gastronomic Experience At the Tourist Destination and Post-Purchase Behavioural Intentions



For destinations to achieve a competitive advantage, it is necessary to comprehend the whole range of variables that influence travellers' gastronomic experiences. This research aims to examine the factors that influence travellers' gastronomic experiences and their post-purchase behavioural intentions. A systematic review and synthesis of the available literature from 141 research articles published between 2010 and 2023, based on PRISMA guidelines, was undertaken. Outcomes of the study indicate that food characteristics (sensory attributes, health, authenticity and price and value), personal characteristics (previous experience, food-related personal trait, motivation, culture and socio-demographics) of consumers, and destination characteristics (servicescape, destination food image, marketing and sanitation) influence the gastronomic experience. The findings further suggest that satisfaction with the gastronomic experience enhances destination image and perceived value, antecedents of post-purchase behavioural intentions, namely revisit and loyalty intentions, recommendation, and positive word-of-mouth. This study provides a comprehensive understanding of the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction with the gastronomic experience based on evidence assembled over 13 years.







How to Cite

“A Systematic Review of Factors Influencing the Gastronomic Experience At the Tourist Destination and Post-Purchase Behavioural Intentions” (2023) e-Review of Tourism Research, 20(1), pp. 80–130. Available at: https://ertr-ojs-tamu.tdl.org/ertr/article/view/850 (Accessed: 21 September 2024).